Have you ever wanted to know what your state will reimburse for a brace?

Simple click on this link and it will take you to DMEPDAC website which stands for (Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding).  Once you click on the link ,go to the green tab that reads "Search for Fee Schedule". Below this you'll see a place to put in HCPCS Code. Type in your code, then click on the GO button just to the right. If you scroll down the page all the states will appear. Click on your state to find out what they have allowed for the brace. Codes will usually start with an L, for example: Our back braces codes are L0627, L0631 and L0637.  Our knee brace is L1832. Our wrist is L3807.  The great thing about all our braces is you don't have to be an Orthotist or have an accreditation to fit the patient.
